What are some things you’ve had to get used to since moving to Toronto?

I had to get used to being around people around me who follow the rules and living in a place where there are rules versus the pure chaos [and lack of rules in Lebanon].

You can walk out on the street wearing whatever you want, and no one says anything. In Beirut, people will look at people who are dressed differently and stare at them or comment on their appearance.

Another thing I had to get used to is that in Beirut I lived with my parents. Now I am doing everything on my own like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and taking care of myself throughout the day.

How has your support system changed?

My support system hasn’t changed much. I would say my support system in Lebanon is still there because they talk and check on me. This includes my parents, cousins, and close friends.

The change is the people I am physically surrounded by, and this family is getting bigger. Without those people in Toronto, this move wouldn’t have been easy.

Who do you rely on when you need help and support?

I rely on friends in my major. There are 2 to 3 people I mostly rely on. For other things, I rely on my friends.

What do you like about living in Toronto?

I like the availability of groceries because they are easily accessible. I like going to the park and walking.

Toronto looks so different during each season. There are 4 different Torontos and I like each and every one in its own way.

Some things in Toronto are easily taken care of like paper work. It is not complicated. It is a very easy process, and people are ready to help and love their jobs.

There are also lots of job opportunities which is easier for later.

People care a lot about mental health here and that is really important in university where they care about the students’ mental health.

What did you do to make Toronto feel like home or your second home?

I made the house, specifically my bedroom, look like my house in Beirut. I brought bedding with me that I like and my favorite plushies. I made it look like a Nour K house.

There are certain traditions. I try to have foods that are Middle Eastern, either I cook or order it.

I hang out with my Lebanese friends here in Toronto because they remind me of home.

There are also religious aspects. Right now it’s رمضان [Ramadan], so that’s perfect timing. There’s افطار time for having meals after fasting and listening to أذان [call to prayer].

I got used to the streets around me. I found places and a routine which made Toronto a second home. For example, I go to Queen’s Park a lot, and it feels like home.

In university, I also have favorite spots there.

Beirut ✈️